What is a domain name?

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A domain name is a Web address, such as godaddy.com, that is linked to an IP address (which represents a physical point on the Internet). When someone types a domain name into a Web browser, the requested Web page displays.

A domain name consists of a top-level and a second-level domain. A top-level domain (TLD) is the part of the domain name located to the right of the dot (godaddy.com). The most common top-level domains are .COM, .NET, and .ORG. Some other popular top-level domains are .BIZ, .INFO, .NAME and .WS. These TLDs have certain guidelines but are, for the most part, available to any registrant, anywhere in the world.

The part of the domain name located to the left of the dot — "godaddy," in this case — is called the second-level domain (SLD) name. The second-level domain name is the "readable" part of the address and refers to the organization or entity behind the Internet address. Second-level domain names must be registered with an Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)-accredited registrar.

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Good Online Tutor

How often do you find time to sit with your child and offer him homework help? Working parents find themselves struggling to find time for their kids while managing their wok and other chores. Children, among other things, need a lot of attention. Math, for most kids, is a nightmare. Sure, you can hire a private tutor to solve your children math problems. But are you prepared to manage the high costs of hiring a private tutor? Are you ready to take out time from your busy schedule to drive your child to the tutor and back home? If these questions reflect the problems you are already facing, then online tutoring is the right choice.

Good online tutoring companies like Tutorvista.com deliver math lessons with parental and personal touch. Use of latest technology, participation in online conferences, discussions and chat sessions, regular monitoring and progress assessment make the online math tutoring more effective than traditional tutoring. 24/7 tutor availability,1:1 attention and professionally designed tutoring strategies create the interest of students in math learning.

Tutorvista.com can provide detail specific problem-solving techniques within the scope of any of the Algebra topics covered, free algebra help, math homework help or even with additional topics that may arise. For those seeking algebra help, topics may include basic math help of learning the number line; concepts of sets on a number line; integers; fractions; decimals; percentages; linear functions; quadratic functions; polynomial functions [monomial; binomial; trinomial; etc] and the like.

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DENTISTRY 2010: Seminar Green Dentistry

SEMINAR GREEN DENTISTRY: JW Marriot Hotel Surabaya, 24-25 Juli 2010 (Akreditasi Total 16 SKP)

Seperti diketahui, bidang kedokteran gigi pun tidak terlepas dari penggunaan berbagai bahan yang berpotensi merusak lingkungan seperti adanya limbah merkuri dan amalgam, limbah larutan developer film dental yang mengandung hidrokuinon dan timbal serta limbah medis yang berupa jaringan dan jarum suntik bekas dan lainnya.

Green Dentistry merupakan pendekatan praktek kedokteran gigi yang memperhatikan kelestarian lingkungan dengan beralih penggunaan bahan yang lebih non-toksik maupun mengendalikan pembuangan limbah medis dan non medis yang membahayakan lingkungan.

Undang-undang Praktek Kedokteran No. 29 Tahun 2004 pasal 72 sendiri mencantumkan bahwa masyarakat harus dilindungi dari tindakan dokter atau dokter gigi dalam hal ini termasuk melindungi masyarakat dari limbah-limbah yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan praktek.

Dalam pertemuan ilmiah tersebut akan diulas pula materi tentang peningkatan pelayanan kedokteran gigi, baik dibidang preventif, kuratif maupun rehabilatif.

Info Pendaftaran:
Sekretariat PDGI cabang surabaya
Jl. Klampis Aji I blok P Surabaya
Tlp. 031-5932395, Fax. 031-5932416
Email: pdgisby@gmail.com

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